Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's Verses: 1 Peter 2:13-25
(Click on the link to read today's Scripture.)

Peter speaks to household slaves to show submission to their masters. Human institutions are not without fault. Honor human authority. Christians should do nothing that would call for punishment and behave godly without retaliating.

What about behavior in the work place today? Sometimes unsaved supervisors are unreasonable. It takes real grace when you have no power or authority over a situation... sometimes the boss may even be a Christian. What to do? In suffering, small or large, the Christian is encouraged to look to Jesus as the example.

Jesus set a perfect example. He was even condemned wrongfully. He did not argue and he never fought back. He never used abusive language even as His accusers abused Him. He endured and glorified God. We are not in Heaven yet---we are still strangers and pilgrims submitting to many earthly requirements. The Christian's word, attitude, and deeds do not go unnoticed. 
Thought for today: Our God judges us righteously. May we always seek His wisdom and entrust our ways unto Him.
Thank you God for Christ who bore our sins on the cross and enables us to do that which is right. Amen.

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