Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Hebrews

Today's Scripture: Hebrews 11:11-23
[Click the address of the verse above or open up your Bible to read His Word before you read ours.]

Faith is trusting obedience. It is essential to our relationship with God. Trusting Him when what He says makes absolutely no sense to us. Trusting He sees things clearly and that our vision is skewed by sin.

Sarah knew faith makes possible what the world deems impossible.
Do you believe all things are possible with Him?

These listed in Hebrews 11 died faithfully waiting for the promise, seeing it from a distance but not receiving it. Faith takes an eternal perspective, trusting His promise even when it doesn't come to pass in our lifetime.
Do you believe you will still hope in the fulfillment of His promises in your life when you lay on your deathbed?

Abraham willingly obeyed. Intending to sacrifice the one thing that the fulfillment of God's promise was based on. Faith trusts God when making great sacrifices, even when it doesn't make sense to us. Believing He can... will... restore what's been given in His name, at His call.
Do you have the faith to give sacrificially when He asks without fear of scarcity or fear for your future?

By faith Isaac blessed his sons, but Jacob deceived his father, pretended to be Esau and stole the older brother's blessing. Faith trusts God's sovereignty, even when what's been done was not what we intended because we've been fooled.
Do you have the faith to let stand what's been done when you've been tricked into doing what you didn't  intend?

Jacob intentionally switched the blessings of Joseph's sons, giving the younger the blessing of the firstborn. And in blessing these two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, he gave Joseph a double portion of the inheritance God promised. The reason there is no tribe of Joseph among the twelve. Faith like Jacob's listens to God and breaks with tradition when He says to.

Joseph knew faith sees the future and boldly makes plans for it even though we'll be long gone.

And Moses's parents broke the law of the land knowing faith puts God's law ahead of man's.

Do you have faith to buck tradition, see the future past your lifetime, and stand up against man's way when He calls you to?

Faith understands this world is not our home. That its ways can be overridden by Him at His bidding. Faith lives in the Kingdom of God, every moment of every day, even before we get there.

Father God, help me to understand the lives of these You call faith-full in Hebrews 11.
Teach me to live in Your Kingdom by faith without fear, trusting You in all that happens.
Bless me with trusting obedience, even when it seems crazy.
I don't want to miss out on Your promise.

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