Friday, May 29, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 101

Today's Scripture: Luke 9:57-10:16
(Click on the link to read today's scripture.)

Jesus paints a pretty dismal picture when it comes to following Him.
...the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.
...Let the dead bury their own dead. one who looks back is fit for the kingdom.
My sweet friend once said before she became a follower of Jesus she was pretty sure she didn't want any part of His way. She saw how it ended for Him and it wasn't good. I guess when you look at it from that perspective I would have to agree.

Jesus laid it all out for those who wanted to follow Him. Look guys, this ain't gonna be easy. You won't have a place to call home, no time to grieve, and no looking back. Do you still want to follow me?

What about you? Do you still want to follow Him?

Lord, Your way seems very hard when I think about it from an earthly perspective.
I'm very grateful You've given me glimpses of the eternal. Continue to teach
me to walk in the power of the Spirit, experience Your blessings,
and hope in the only future that really matters.
Thank You for capturing my heart. 
Thank You for doing the hard things for me.

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