Thursday, May 8, 2014


Read Luke 24:13-35
[No Bible handy? Click Scripture reference to read online.]

Rev. Stephenson told us Jesus made the way for two things we both desire and need:

He brings truth and His presence.

Reading, again, the Scripture from Sunday, I'm struck by what these two men were doing. They were walking together along the same road and talking about Jesus.

While they were talking and discussing together,
Jesus himself drew near and went with them.
Luke 24:15 ESV

And I wonder... 

What if they had been talking about something else? the weather? family? politics? Would Jesus have drawn near?

Fellowship is important among Believers, but it's not just potluck suppers or a gathering to hear guest speakers or learn a new skill or talk about current events. Fellowship happens when we walk with other Christians going the same way and share our hearts about all the things Jesus is doing in our lives, or not doing when we think He should be doing. A sharing of doubts, fears, expectations, hopes and dreams centered on faith and the gospel.

When we have Jesus-talks, Jesus shows up.

What is the primary topic of conversation when you gather with other Believers? Is it Jesus? Or something completely different?

Remember to include Him in your time with other Believers and see if He doesn't make His presence and truth known.

And whatever you do, in word or deed,
do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17 ESV

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