The practice of Lectio Devina has been around for some time. It is a traditional Benedictine practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer. It takes a little more time, but maybe on Sunday's we might take the time. More time to consider the passage...meditate on its meaning...pray for revelation. Sundays will be set apart for reading a tad more slowly...contemplating words longer... praying for insight... and His revelation through the Word.
Today's Scripture:
Matthew 5:1-16
(Click on the link to read the scripture.)
The steps of Lectio Devina:
1. Read through the scripture slowly...sometimes it takes more than once.
2. Note any words or phrases that stick out to you or have a special meaning for you today.
3. Pray. Pray about the words or phrases. Ask God to reveal himself through those words. What is he trying to show you...teach you...speak to you in some way?
4. Rest. Rest in the knowledge that God is always speaking. Rest in the fact that His teaching is good and His grace abounds.
Father God, You've given us Your Word for our good and Your glory.
Help me to remember it is by Your Word that I find life. does not live by bread alone,
but man lives by every word
that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 8:3 ESV