Saturday, February 28, 2015

Challenge--Day 11

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 8:18-34
(Click on the link for today's scripture.)

The storm sent the disciples into panic mode. "Lord, save us!" they said. 

What storm is blowing in your life right now? Take time today to cry out to Jesus, "Lord, save me!"

Lord, prepare my heart to meet You on a supernatural level.
Bless me with the faith to ask for, see, and receive Your miracles.

Friday, February 27, 2015

The Challenge--Day 10

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 7:21-8:17
(Click on the link to read the scripture.)

Remember the words of the song we learned as a child:
The wise man built his house upon the rock...the wise man built his house upon the rock.  The wise man built his house upon the rock...and the house on the rock stood firm.

What have you been building lately? Is it built upon the solid rock of Jesus?

Lord, there are many storms in this world,
all have the potential to shake up our lives.
You are the only One who can see us through.
Be the Sure Foundation of my life.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Challenge--Day 9

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 7:1-20
(With a simple click on the link, you can read today's verses.)

Consider the fruit you have been producing lately... your activities, thoughts, words.  Are they good... borderline... not good at all? The key to producing good fruit is growing deep roots. 

What can you do today to continue to grow roots deep into God?

Father God, you know I am prone to bearing the fruit of this world:
judgment, hypocrisy, foolishness. You say, "Ask and receive..."
Reveal what I truly need and bless me with the faith to ask for it.
Replace the worldly fruit I produce with the fruit of righteousness:
grace, love, wisdom.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Challenge--Day 8

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 6:16-34
(Click on the link to view the scripture.)

Are you a worrier?  What things do you worry about? 

The message of today's scripture is clear. Do not worry! But some of us are just wired that way right?  What would happen today if we chose to just believe what these verses say... to believe God has it all under control?

Let's give it a try!

Lord, I surrender my day to You.
I trust You with whatever comes,
because You are trustworthy.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Challenge--Day 7

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 5:38-6:15
(Click the link to read the scripture.)

We pray the Lord's prayer each Sunday in worship. Take time to pray it today thinking about each phrase as you go. Make it personal, put His prayer in your words.

Praise Him...

Surrender to His will for this day...

Trust Him for provision...


Ask for forgiveness...

Follow His leading....


Monday, February 23, 2015

The Challenge--Day 6

Today's Scripture: Matthew 5:17-37
(Don't have a bible close?  Just click on the reference to read the scripture.)

Jesus, the fulfillment of the law. The only One who fully walked in it, is the only One who can truly teach it.

He teaches:
Anger and insults, the same as murder.
Lust, the same as adultery.
Saying Yes or No, the same as an oath.

He opens up the Ten Commandments and reveals the heart behind the law.

The heart of the law, in turn, reveals our own hearts.

Where do you need Him to change your heart? Where do you need to repent?

Father God, thank You for sending Jesus to teach us the heart behind the Law.
Bless me with a teachable heart and the willingness to let You live through me.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sabbath Challenge--Day 5

The practice of Lectio Devina has been around for some time. It is a traditional Benedictine practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer. It takes a little more time, but maybe on Sunday's we might take the time. More time to consider the passage...meditate on its meaning...pray for revelation. Sundays will be set apart for reading a tad more slowly...contemplating words longer... praying for insight... and His revelation through the Word.

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 5:1-16
(Click on the link to read the scripture.)

The steps of Lectio Devina:

1.  Read through the scripture slowly...sometimes it takes more than once.

2.  Note any words or phrases that stick out to you or have a special meaning for you today.

3.  Pray.  Pray about the words or phrases.  Ask God to reveal himself through those words.  What is he trying to show you...teach you...speak to you in some way?

4.  Rest.  Rest in the knowledge that God is always speaking.  Rest in the fact that His teaching is good and His grace abounds.

Father God, You've given us Your Word for our good and Your glory.
Help me to remember it is by Your Word that I find life. does not live by bread alone,
but man lives by every word 
that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 8:3 ESV

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Challenge--Day 4

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 4
(Click on the link to read the scripture.)

We've been observing Lent four days now. Some of us have chosen to fast. In this scripture you find Jesus fasting as well. He was tempted. So are we.

What has been your greatest temptation the last four days? How did Jesus fight the temptation?  How can we do the same?

Lord, Your Word breaks temptation's hold on me.
Teach me the Word I need to resist sin
and walk in righteousness.

I have stored up your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11 ESV

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Challenge--Day 3

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 2:16-3:17
(Click on the scripture to read the verses for today.)

John called those listening to repent and be baptized. Take a moment to remember your baptism and confirmation.

The waters of baptism cleaning us up. Are there a few things you need to be cleansed of...things you would like God to change?

Lord, You know my heart, even better than I do.
Reveal areas of unbelief and lies rooted in my heart,
especially when it comes to Your grace, love, and forgiveness.
Grow me in the knowledge of You and Your grace.
Enable me to walk in the freedom of Your forgiveness.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Challenge--Day 2

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 2: 1-15
(Click on the link if you don't have a Bible close by.)

The kings journeyed to see the Christ child. Joseph and Mary made the journey to Egypt in response to the angel's direction. What journey are you on today? 

Many times we think of a journey as a straight line. It begins at one point and ends at another, but what we learn along the way might just be the most important part. What have you learned on your spiritual journey so far?

Lord Jesus, life's journey is all about following You.
Bless me with the faith to walk obediently behind You,
with joy and thanksgiving.
Open my eyes to the lessons Your are teaching me.
Prepare my heart to trust and obey.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Challenge--Day 1

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 1: 1-24
(If you don't have a Bible handy just click on the link to read the scripture.)

Joseph had a plan. We all have plans...plans for our lives...the month...even a list for the day. Consider your plans for the day.

God had a different plan for Joseph. When you look at your plans for today, is there something God might change? What might He be leading you to do differently?

Father God, You sent Jesus so that You might be with us
and we with You. From the beginning You've had a plan...
generation... to generation... to generation... 
You've been fulfilling Your plan.
Work in me to bring my plans into alignment with Yours.
Not just today, but everyday of this challenge.
Work in me so that I might live for You and Your plan,
remembering You are with me, every step of the way.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Take the Challenge!

It's nearing the end of the Grow team meeting when the celebration of 170 years is brought to the table. 

"What can we do to add to the celebration?" our leader asks.

It just pops out of my mouth... "Let's challenge our church family to read scripture for 170 days!"

The idea begins to take form and a plan takes shape. Not my plan, because if you know me you know I often have an idea without much thought to the time and energy it will take to get it going. I love new ideas. Those in the meeting could probably feel my EXCITEMENT!

My sweet team member gets out her calendar... tells me that this challenge will take around six months. Six months... WOW... wow... oh wow. For me beginnings aren't that difficult but finishing... now that's a different story. I'm not great at it... better than I used to be... but not great. Hence the challenge. Don't get me wrong, I study scripture almost daily. But following a prescribed plan for six months will definitely be a challenge. It scares me a little, no... a LOT. What if I miss a day... or a week? What if I get half way through and just give up? The truth is I can't do it in my own strength or willpower. I need Jesus plain and simple.

Tomorrow the challenge begins and I am "all in". I keep thinking about the sermon our pastor gave on fishing. He reminded us that fishing looks a lot like following Jesus. One of the points he gave was "Know your knots". He challenged us to know what we believe... why we believe it. What better way to know than to dive into scripture and wrestle with the things we know or want to know. 

Won't you join us in the challenge? Reading through the Gospels in 170 days. We might miss a day... even forget at times... His grace will cover us. Let's get started and dive into the deep! 

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Stacy Boyer