Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Embracing God's Geography

Sunday's message came from Matthew 4:12-25.
Stop and take a moment to read it afresh. (If you don't have a Bible with you, click the Scripture reference above, it will take you to a digital one.)

Rev. Stephenson emphasized how Jesus went throughout His whole known world --- there was no area He did not travel, no place He would not go --- to preach His message... Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near ...illustrating God's boundless geography.

The challenge placed before us by the pastor, was to be willing to go beyond our own boundaries, into areas far different than the ones in which we live, to carry the Gospel to others. No matter where.

And I think about something he said:

Did you get to choose where you grew up?
No. Your parents made that decision. 
It wasn't your choice.

I am struck by the truth that no one in the whole world decides where they are born --- whether Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea, or beyond the Jordan... like in Jacksonville. And I'm reminded, we all have been placed on this planet according to the wisdom and grace of our heavenly Father --- He gets to choose.

From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.
Acts 17:26-27 NIV84

For me, the challenge... fear... hesitancy... in stepping out into other areas, to connect with other people different than me, suddenly decreases by a great degree. Because my heavenly Father --- who is trustworthy and good --- is also the Father of everyone He's placed on earth (even if they don't accept it or believe it) and the places He's placed them are the exact places He chose for the purpose of finding Him.

God's geography is about placing people 
in the most favorable conditions to find Him.

So, if He sends me... shouldn't I go... without hesitancy?

Those to whom He sends me are prepared, placed, by Him, to know Him --- the Father who loves me and loves them  ---  we, in a way, brothers and sisters. 

And if Jesus, whom we follow, was willing to leave His home, His comfort zone, for us, shouldn't we? for others?

Father God, Creator of all, Locator of the masses, keep me focused on the purpose of Your geography and Your desire for all to find You and know You. Open my eyes to the commonality of all people --- our need for You. Prepare me to follow when You call.

Just some thoughts from Sunday.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jesus Invites Those Who Desire

Read John 1:29-42
[Click the Scripture reference to read on BibleGateway.com if you don't have a Bible handy.]

This past Sunday, Rev. Stephenson shared a little about his passion for woodworking and his desire to make fine furniture that led him on a search for a teacher.

Having found a teacher, he sought to enroll in a weekend of instruction offered by the master craftsman, but there was a year long waiting list. He waited and when the time came he drove 1,100 miles to be taught by a man who invited students to: Come and see.

In the same way, Jesus invited the two disciples who followed him: Come and see.

The invitation came as a response to the student's desire to know.

These two particular disciples had been under the teaching of John the Baptist, whose sole mission was to prepare the way for the Lord. That's why these disciples were there, because ultimately they wanted to know God, recognize the Messiah when He came, be prepared for His arrival. So when John the Baptist pointed Him out, they quickly followed after. And then the invitation --- Come and see --- was offered.

The journey of learning to live a life of faith begins with desire.

What is it that you desire?
What or who are you currently following? (Perhaps you could get an idea by looking at who you currently follow on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or any number of other social media sites who invite followers...)

If you are struggling in your spiritual life, and faith seems hard or is disconnected from your everyday living, maybe you need to start by checking your desire.

Jesus's message to the church at Ephesus lauded them for their works and devotion to right doctrine but He had one thing against them...

"... you abandoned the love you had at first."
Revelation 2:4 ESV

Have you abandoned your first love? 

Perhaps it's time to pray for renewed desire and love for Jesus -- the Word made flesh -- so that we can hear and respond to His invitation: Come and see...

Lord, renew my love for You. 
Work in my life and grow me to love You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. 
Fill me with desire. As the deer pants for water,  may I thirst for You and Your kingdom.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Jesus Immersed

This past Sunday, Rev. Stephenson led us in remembering our baptism. We began by remembering Jesus's.

Read Matthew 3:13-17

The baptism John offered was one of forgiveness and repentance. A recognition of and turning from sin, a literal changing direction of one's life.

Jesus --- God made flesh --- had no sin, no need to repent. He always headed in the right direction.

Why do you think Jesus preceded His public ministry with baptism?

Baptize comes from the Greek baptizo meaning to immerse --- to plunge into something that surrounds or covers.

This baptism marked a turning point in Jesus's life. Dutiful son and carpenter changing paths, preparing the way to separate from His family responsibilities and fully immerse Himself into those of His heavenly Father.

Jesus ultimately gave His life to pay for all sin.
The Author of Life plunged into death.
The sinless for the sinful.

Perhaps this was the first step in fully embracing His purpose, a humble acceptance of the way that lay before Him.

By experiencing what the repentant sinner experienced --- baptism --- He immersed Himself fully, publicly, into the will of God.

Jesus walked the way of a rebellious sinner from first to last without ever having sinned, so that we might know, and be declared, righteous. Not of our own accord, but of His.

It all began, with His baptism...

...and behold a voice from heaven said,
"This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."
Matthew 3:17 ESV

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


This past Sunday, Epiphany Sunday, Rev. Stephenson challenged the church to dream for Jesus.

Read: Matthew 2:1-15

In his message, Rev. Stephenson noted three kinds of participants in the passage:

The Dream Giver -- God
The Dream Followers -- the wise men and Joseph
The Dream Destroyer -- King Herod

God still gives dreams, and there are still those who will follow and those whose only desire is to destroy the dreams and the dreamers.

Jesus came with a purpose, to die for sin, rescue those who believe, and call those Believers to share in His death and resurrection saying: Follow Me.

We look at the life of Jesus, his feet walking the one-way dusty road to death. He had to die before anything was resurrected. Mourning precedes the morning; death comes before the dream. We long for the fullness of life, the freedom, the glory, and the joy. But are we willing to embrace the death that must come first?
---Emily P. Freeman, A Million Little Ways

...death comes before the dream... 

Jesus-dreams begin with death. Each one of us must choose whether to die to self, do away with our wants, and follow the Giver of Dreams or choose self-indulgence and a seemingly safe life. Examining our wants may be the first step in determining whether we are willing to die or not.

Rev. Stephenson shared the thoughts of another regarding wants that led to an important question:

Do you want what your wants lead to?

The pastor's example took us to lunch after worship, and the wanting of pie for dessert. Then he asked, "Do you want what your want leads to?" as he patted his belly behind the lectern.

Our fleshly desires may be in opposition to the dreams He desires to give. To the desires the Spirit has placed in our hearts.

What do you really want?

As we enter the new year, remember the Babe in the manger --- God incarnate, emptied of glory, power, majesty --- remember why He came --- to die for others that they might have life.

Maybe it's time for us to make room for Jesus-dreams by considering first... what needs to die...

"...For whoever would save his life will lose it,
but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. ..." --- Jesus
Matthew 17:25 ESV